Monday, February 19, 2007

Pembelajaran Google adsense bag 1 : Cara Mendaftar Program Google Adsense

Sebenarnya mendaftar di Google Adsense itu mudah, tapi kenyataannya banyak yg ditolak pada saat register pertama kali. Hal tersbut karena tidak tahu akan aturan main dari google adsense. Tips dalam mendaftar di Google Adsense :

(1) Kamu harus punya website atau web log (Blog). Terserah mau gratisan atau yg terbayar. untuk panduan membuat blog ada pada artikel sebelumnya. juga harus punya email (yg eni wajib banget) sebaiknya buat di Gmail atau di yahoo.

(2) Web atau blog kamu, isinya (content) harus berbahasa asing umumnya bahasa Inggris (english) lebih dominan. Agar kamu web atau blog kamu tidak di tolak di google adsense.

(3) Klik logo Google adsense yg ada di kolom sebelah kanan blog ini (yg tertulis This Site Monetized by Google Adsense).

(4) Udah diklik blom???!! kalo udah tunggu sebentar(loading) gw mo mau pipis dulu...

(5) klik tulisan Click Here to Apply.

(6) truz muncul menu dengan tulisan Website Information

(7) Di Website URL, tulis alamat web atau blog kamu. Contohnya :

(8) Di Website language, kamu pilih English

(9) Ada menu Contact Information

(10) Account type, pilih "Individual";

(11) Country or territory, pilih "Indonesia" atau negara tempat tinggal kamu.Contoh : Rep. BBM

(12) Payee name (full name), tulis nama lengkap Anda sesuai dg nama KTP atau rekening bank.
Dan isi juga alamat lengkap rumah, telpon dan faksimil (yg ini tidak wajib) di kolom di bawahnya.

(13) Di kolom Policies kasih tanda cek semua di kelima kotak yg ada sebagai tanda kamu setuju mengadakan perjanjian dg Google Adsense.

(14) Di kolom "Login Information" isi dg alamat email yg akan dipakai untuk login/masuk ke account Google Adsense. Passwordnya minimal 7 (tujuh) yg merupakan kombinasi antara huruf dan angka.

(15) Periksa sekali lagi semua yg diisi, terlebih alamat agar pembayarannya tidak nyasar


(17) Selesai. Kamu tinggal menunggu approval atau berita OK dari Google Adsense. Biasanya dua - lima hari yang dikirimkan ke email kamu. Setelah itu baru kamu dapat login ke google adsense (jika kamu diterima).
selamat berjuang....!!!!

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Get u'r own scholarships with Google Adsense!!! (create google adsense)

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

It's also a way for web site publishers to provide Google search to their site users, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program. If you comply with program policies, just complete google adsense online application and select either or both of AdSense for content pages and AdSense for search. One application gets you approved for both AdSense and AdSense for search - you can decide to use any combination of these products on your pages.

They'll review your application and follow up with an email within 2-3 days. If you are accepted into the program, you can log in to your new account and get the HTML code to insert into your web pages

Keep in mind that participation in AdSense requires you to have a website or web log (Blog).

the Google ads you are able to display on your content pages can be either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) ads, while AdSense for search results pages show exclusively CPC ads. This means that advertisers pay either when users click on ads, or when the advertiser's ad is shown on your site. You'll receive a portion of the amount paid for either activity on your website. Although we don't disclose the exact revenue share, our goal is to enable publishers to make as much or more than they could with other advertising networks.

The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads on your web pages. There's no cost, no obligation, and getting started is quick and easy

On the Reports tab, You'll be able to see the total number of page and ad unit impressions, ad clicks, clickthrough rate, effective CPM, and your total earnings so you can get an idea of how well the program is performing for you and how much you can expect to earn over time in the program.

You can also find more information about the payment schedule in Payments Guide.

To getting start the programs you must log up,so please click the Google adsense logo on the right columns in this blog (This site Monetized by Google Adsense ,text,) and following the next step.

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Pembelajaran Blog bag 2 : Bagaimana cara membuat blog di

Membuat Account

(1) Pertama, klik logo di kolom sebelah kanan di (Yang tulisannya I POwer Blogger)

(2) Kemudian klik Create Your Blog Now!. Akan muncul sebuah halaman berisi form
seperti form pendaftaran e-mail. Isi semua kolom yang ada, dan klik Continue.
Lengkapi semua kolom di halaman berikutnya hingga selesai.

(3) Saat pendaftaran, Anda akan diberikan pilihan beberapa pilihan template atau
desain standar. Pilih salah satu dan klik Continue.

(4) Setelah selesai proses pembuatan account ini, Anda bisa segera memulai posting atau mengisi blog

Mengisi Blog
(1) Pertama, login
(2) Masukkan username serta password.
(3) Kemudian klik New Post untuk mengisi blog Anda
(4) Ketikkan judul dan isinya pada kolom yang tersedia, dan gunakan tombol-tombol
di bagian atas kolom isi posting atau gunakan perintah tombol yang tertulis di
bagian bawah kolom posting. Misalnya untuk menebalkan huruf, member link
pada sebuah kata dan lain sebagainya.

(5) Selamat! Anda kini sudah memiliki blog

Mengedit Desain atau Template
Setelah blog Anda selesai, mungkin Anda ingin untuk mengganti desainnya. Ada
banyak template atau desain blog yang tersedia di Internet gratis. Salah satu yang
hendak kita gunakan dalam modul ini adalah desain dari http://blogger-
(1) Pertama, login ke
(2) Masukkan username serta password.
(3) Kemudian klik Change Setting.
(4) Buka
(5) Pilih desain yang Anda inginkan dengan meng-klik arsip per bulan yang ada di
seblah kanan.
(6) Dalam hal ini kita menggunakan desain Sunflower sebagai contoh.
(7) Klik Get the Code pada bagian bawah gambar desain Sunflower.
(8) Klik Select all pada bagian bawah kolom yang berisi kode desain tersebut.
(9) Kemudan klik kanan pada teks yang sudah tersorot, dan klik Copy.
(10) Sementara itu, buka dan login di window yang lain.
(11) Klik change setting, dan klik Template. Pada window yang Template terbuka ini,
sorot semua yang ada di dalam kolom dan delete.
(12) Kemudan klik Paste, dilanjutkan dengan klik tombol berwarna oranye di bagian
(13) Dan tunggu hingga proses upload selesai. Kemudian klik tombol Republish Entire
(14) Lihat hasilnya dengan mengklik tombol Open in New Window pada halaman
setelah Republish Entire Blog.
(15) Tentukan bagian mana saja yang hendak Anda ubah. Caranya, masuk kembali
ke bagian Template pada dan cari bagian yang hendak diganti,
kemudian klik tombol oranye di bagian bawah.

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Pembelajaran Blog bag 1 : Bagaimana cara membuat blog di

Blog atau weblog adalah situs pribadi yang menjadi tren gaya hidup digital yang kian berkembang, hari demi hari. Blog mulai tersebar dan tenar di setiap lapisan masyarakat. Mulai dari kalangan intelektual, akademisi, dosen/guru, tukang koran, dai, pembantu RT, kuli bangunan (sumpehhh lo...), dll. Di luar negeri budaya membuat blog udah sangat merasuki sendi2 kehidupan, karena memudahkan untuk sharing informations. Sehingga ilmu pengetahuan, berita, salam perdamaian, curhatan positif, doa, motivasi dll dapat tersebar dan menjadi wawasan yang membuka cakrawala pikiran umat manusia. Kalo di Indonesia????
Di Internet, blog disediakan gratis untuk siapa saja. Termasuk desain, hosting
hingga berbagai fungsi tambahan yang dapat mempermanis tampilan blog. Gratis dan
mudah diaplikasikan.

Berikut ini adalah asumsi yang digunakan sebelum Anda mulai membuat blog:

•Anda sudah memiliki account e-mail.

•Anda terkoneksi dengan Internet saat mengerjakan blog.
•Anda bisa menggunakan program Notepad atau text editor lain.
•Anda paham istilah dan penggunaan copy atau paste.

Terakhir, sediakan bahan-bahan terlebih dahulu untuk memudahkan pengerjaannya.
Misalnya foto-foto, tulisan yang pernah Anda buat sebelumnya, daftar alamat blog
atau situs yang hendak Anda pasang dan tentu saja, nama blog Anda kelak.
Ingat, semua panduan di sini bersifat mendasar. Segala variasi dan pengembangan
bisa Anda lakukan sendiri kemudian dengan sumber lain di Internwt yang sudah
banyak tersedia. Jangan ragu saling kontak sesama blogger (pemilik blog), semua
blogger pasti bersedia share ilmunya.

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Blog Educations part 2 : How to create u'r own blog in

1. Go to the web site - click the logo of on the right besides (I Power Blogger)>>>>

2. Click on "create your blog now".

3. You will be asked to make up a username and password.

4. On the next page you will be asked to name your blog. Ignore this form or your blog will not appear under your domain name. Instead, you need to click on click on Advanced Blog Setup.

5. Fill out the advanced set up form as per this example. Where we have used "" you need to enter your real domain name. Remember to click the FTP button.

Eaxmple advanced blog set up form.

6. Choose a template.

7. Click on Start Posting.

8. Enter the text of the first entry in your your blog:

9. Click on Publish Post. You will be asked to enter your FTP username and password. These are the ones from our welcome email.

Assuming you entered the FTP settings correctly your blog will be published with its first entry on the front page. You can now go to your web site and you will see the pages.

When the first page is full Blogger creates archives of the older posts. A link to these appears on the front page of your site.

You can log into the web site to add and delete posts at any time.

Advanced options

Storing the FTP username and password

If you do not want to type in your FTP username and password each time you publish you can log into the site, click on settings, then click on the publishing tab. You can enter the username and password and it will be stored for you.

Template modification

If you know HTML you can edit the template to mke your blog look any way you want it to. You need to remember not to delete any of the blogger tags or it will stop working.

Other blog location

If you want your blog to be at another location under your domain like then on the advanced set up form put the FTP path as public_html/blog.

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Blog Educations part 1 : How to create u'r own blog in ?

If u are interested in having a web site but have no knowledge of html or web design. exactly u might want to consider having a Blog instead.

A blog like a journal. Rather than a web site with information, a blog is a list of articles you write about ur ideas, events on ur life, ur dreams, bisnis, news, special informations etc.

There are various ways to publish a blog but the easiiest is to use This is a free service provided by the same people as the Google search engine. You log into the web site, create your pages and they handle all the uploading for you. You do not require any software or knowledge of html to use this service.

A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.

Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.

In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not.

Since Blogger was launched in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web, impacted politics, shaken up journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with others.

And we're pretty sure the whole deal is just getting started.

A blog gives you your own voice on the web. It's a place to collect and share things that you find interesting— whether it's your political commentary, a personal diary, or links to web sites you want to remember.

Many people use a blog just to organize their own thoughts, while others command influential, worldwide audiences of thousands. Professional and amateur journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalers reveal inner thoughts.

Whatever you have to say, Blogger can help you say it.

Blogging is about more than just putting your thoughts on the web. It's about connecting with and hearing from anyone who reads your work and cares to respond. With Blogger, you control who can read and write to your blog — let just a few friends or the entire world see what you have to say!

Blogger Comments let anyone, anywhere, offer feedback on your posts. You can choose whether you want to allow comments on a post-by-post basis, and you can delete any comments you don't like.

Access Controls let you decide who can read and who can write to your blog. You can use a group blog with multiple authors as an excellent communication tool for small teams, families and other groups. Or as a single author, you can create a private online space for collecting news, links, and ideas, to keep to yourself or share with as many readers as you want.

Blogger Profiles let you find people and blogs that share your interests. Your Blogger Profile, where you can list your blogs, your interests, and more, lets people find you (but only if you want to be found).

Design your blog

Whether you're starting your blog or just think it's time to give your existing blog a facelift, Blogger's user-friendly editing tools help you easily design a great-looking page.

Templates — Our collection of templates will get you started with an attractive site right away without you having to learn any HTML, though Blogger also allows you to edit your blog's HTML code whenever you want.

Custom colors and fonts — When you're ready to take the next step, you can further customize our templates to create a design that perfectly reflects you and your blog.

Drag-and-drop page elements — Blogger's simple drag-and-drop system lets you easily decide exactly where your posts, profiles, archives and other parts of your blog should live on the page.

Post photos

Sometimes you just want to share a photo. There's a button for uploading photos in the Blogger interface. Just click the photo button to upload a photo from your computer. If the photo you'd like to put on your blog is already on the web that's fine too. Just tell us where it is.

You can also send camera phone photos straight to your blog while you're on-the-go with Blogger Mobile.

Go Mobile
Blogger Mobile lets you send photos and text straight to your blog while you're on-the-go. All you need to do is send a message to from your phone. You don't even need a Blogger account. The message itself is enough to create a brand new blog and post whatever photo and text you've sent.

Later, if your want to claim your mobile blog or switch your posts to another blog, just sign in to and use the claim code Blogger sent to your phone.

While Blogger Mobile is currently only available in the US, you can always send posts to your blog using Mail-to-Blogger.

Get started

The fastest way to understand blogging is to try it out. We've worked really hard to make it really easy for you. Just click the link below, and you can be part of the phenomenon that's transforming web and media to a participatory activity in less than five minutes. Seriously.

What will happen then? Who knows. It might be fun, though.

And remember: Blogger is totally free, and if you have trouble, just click the Help button from any screen, and you can find the answer you're looking for—or even ask our dedicated support staff.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Download RPS 04-05

Link For download Rohis Positioning System 04-05 :
click readmore for complete this artikel
just for ro49er 04

Indonesian languages tutorial :
Cara download :
1. Klik linkna ataow kalo ora isa Copast bae' lah nang addrss bar. ikuti petunjuk klik link na
2. Aja klalen pake mozzila biar cepet downloadna
3. Klik free di kolom dua (di bagian bawah kotak) di pilihan "select ur download"
4. tunggu selama 0,7 menit seperti yg tertera di tulisan hitam tebal di tengah.
5. setelah nunggu akan muncul halaman yg meminta download. gunakan :
Download from TeliaSonera: (4043 of 10000 MBit/s in use)
6. Masukan kode di kotak yang tersedia (here) kemudian klik download from telia sonera.
7. Akan muncul window download > save disk > ok > save di tempat yg Ang eko (akh_maseko_tob m'sudne enyonk) tentukan

Cara gunakan :
1 . ucapkan basmallah
2. matikan semua window/program
3. Volume speaker di fullkan/ polkan/ampe mentok. coz suaranya kecil banget...:))
4. klik RPS04-05nya.exe di pojok atas terdapat kolom view>full screen = untuk memperbesar layar/ctr+F
5. ya digunain biz itu

ga usah di pikirin close the window> alt+f4

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Colours Friendship

Asslam. Wr. Wb


Begitu banyak orang yang bisa diajak tertawa , tetapi jarang sekali yang bisa diajak ntuk menangis !

------------ --------- --------- --------
Dalam kesulitan yang teramat sangat ...
Kita akan menemukan siapa "sahabat sejati"

Warna-warni persahabatan. ..
Di suatu masa warna-warna dunia mulai bertengkar
Semua menganggap dirinyalah yang terbaik
yang paling penting
yang paling bermanfaat
yang paling disukai

HIJAU berkata:"Jelas akulah yang terpenting. Aku adalah pertanda kehidupan dan harapan. Aku dipilih untuk mewarnai rerumputan, pepohonan dan dedaunan. Tanpa aku, semua hewan akan mati. Lihatlah ke pedesaan, aku adalah warna mayoritas ...."

BIRU menginterupsi : "Kamu hanya berpikir tentang bumi, pertimbangkanlah langit dan samudra luas. Airlah yang menjadi dasar kehidupan dan awan mengambil kekuatan dari kedalaman lautan. Langit memberikan ruang dan kedamaian dan ketenangan. Tanpa kedamaian, kamu semua tidak akan menjadi apa-apa"

KUNING cekikikan : "Kalian semua serius amat sih? Aku membawa tawa, kesenangan dan kehangatan bagi dunia. Matahari berwarna kuning, dan bintang-bintang berwarna kuning. Setiap kali kau melihat bunga matahari, seluruh dunia mulai tersenyum. Tanpa aku, dunia tidak ada kesenangan."

ORANYE menyusul dengan meniupkan trompetnya : "Aku adalah warna kesehatan dan kekuatan. Aku jarang, tetapi aku berharga karena aku mengisi kebutuhan kehidupan manusia. Aku membawa vitamin-vitamin terpenting. Pikirkanlah wortel, labu, jeruk, mangga dan pepaya. Aku tidak ada dimana-mana setiap saat, tetapi aku mengisi lazuardi saat fajar atau saat matahari terbenam. Ke indah anku begitu menakjubkan hingga tak seorangpun dari kalian akan terbetik di pikiran orang."

MERAH tidak bisa diam lebih lama dan berte ria k : "Aku adalah Pemimpin kalian. Aku adalah darah - darah kehidupan! Aku adalah warna bahaya dan keber ani an. Aku ber ani untuk bertempur demi suatu kuasa. Aku membawa api ke dalam darah. Tanpa aku, bumi akan kosong laksana bulan. Aku adalah warna hasrat dan cinta, mawar merah, poinsentia dan bunga poppy."

UNGU bangkit dan berdiri setinggi-tingginya ia mampu : Ia memang tinggi dan berbicara dengan keangkuhan. "Aku adalah warna kerajaan dan kekuasaan. Raja, Pemimpin memilih aku sebagai pertanda otoritas dan kebijaksanaan. Tidak seorangpun menentangku. Mereka mendengarkan dan menuruti kehendakku."

Akhirnya NILA berbicara lebih pelan dari yang lainnya, namun dengan kekuatan niat yang sama : "Pikirkanlah tentang aku. Aku warna diam. Kalian jarang memperhatikan ada aku, namun tanpaku kalian semua menjadi dangkal. Aku merepresentasikan pemikiran dan refleksi, matahari terbenam dan kedalaman laut. Kalian membutuhkan aku untuk keseimbangan dan kontras, untuk doa dan ketentraman batin."

Jadi, semua warna terus menyombongkan diri,
masing-masing yakin akan superioritas dirinya.
Perdebatan mereka menjadi semakin keras.
Tiba-tiba, sinar halilitar melintas membutakan.
Guruh menggelegar.
Hujan mulai turun tanpa ampun.
Warna-warna bersedeku
bersama ketakutan, berdekatan satu sama lain mencari ketenangan.

Di tengah suara gemuruh, hujan berbicara :
"WARNA-WARNA TOLOL, kalian bertengkar satu sama lain,
masing-masing ingin mendominasi yang lain. Tidakkah kalian
tahu bahwa kalian masing-masing diciptakan untuk tujuan khusus,
unik dan berbeda?
Berpegangan tanganlah dan mendekatlah kepadaku!"
Menuruti perintah, warna-warna berpegangan tangan mendekati
hujan, yang kemudian berkata :

"Mulai sekarang, setiap kali hujan mengguyur,
masing-masing dari kalian akan membusurkan diri sepanjang langit bagai
busur warna sebagai pengingat bahwa kalian semua dapat hidup bersama
dalam kedamaian.

Pelangi adalah pertanda Harapan hari esok."
Jadi, setiap kali HUJAN deras menotok membasahi dunia, dan saat
Pelangi memunculkan diri di angkasa marilah kita
MENGINGAT untuk selalu
MENGHARGAI satu sama lain.

Persahabatan itu bagaikan pelangi :
Merah bagaikan buah apel, terasa m ani s di dalamnya.
Jingga bagaikan kobaran api yang tak akan pernah padam.
Kuning bagaikan mentari yang menyinari hari-hari kita.
Hijau bagaikan tanaman yang tumbuh subur.
Biru bagaikan air jernih alami.
Ungu bagaikan kuntum bunga yang merekah.
Nila-lembayung bagaikan mimpi-mimpi yang mengisi kalbu.


"Be good. You want people to be good to you, right?!"

baca artikel lain di Blog archives

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Scholarship Informations for Indonesian only (Informasi Beasiswa untuk orang Indonesia)

I'm very apologize, This informations just for indonesian only.
It is the information premier financial aid, college scholarship and international scholarship resource for indonesians students wishing to study abroad. You will find the most comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information to assist college and university students in their pursuit to study abroad.
to continue about this scholarships click the banner at the below (info beasiswa terbaru):

Bagi orang indonesia yang ingin mendapatkan beasiswa kuliah s1, s2

dan s3 silahkan klik banner yang ada di bawah ini (info beasiswa terbaru):

click@this banner/klik @banner ini :

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Agribusiness Development

Agriculture/agribusiness plays a strategic role in labor absorption, capital formation, foreign exchange, providing food supply, and supply a market for domestically produced industrial goods. Globalization has suddenly changed the way leaders of nations in managing agriculture/agribusiness development. Many countries are more open, moving toward democracy. Through the impact of desentralization, the government is shifting from dominating development in the past to people participation. This implies that the private sector will play a more active role in agriculture/agribusiness and rural development. With the new vision, agriculture should not be seen as a separate sector (on-farm), but in a more broad way which is agribusiness consisting of all related activities from upstream to downstream agribusiness subsystem. Good governance is a prerequisite to encourage private institutions to participate in agribusiness and rural development. Policy measures to improve coordination between public and private institutions includes: infrastucture development, development of seed industry, development and strengthen agro-industry in rural areas, development of the private sector, micro, small, and medium size enterprises, macroeconomic stability, land market, deregulation, strengthening of governance, environment sustainability, and improving rural productivity. All of these measures must be transparent and comunicated to all stakeholders in agriculture/agribusiness and rural development.

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About UGM

The Special Region of Yogyakarta, one of the smallest provinces in Indonesia, has been widely known as a center of Javanese culture as well as a center of learning. It has 3,400,000 inhabitants, 511,000 of whom reside in the city of Yogyakarta. Its designation as a center of learning is marked by the existence of 120 state and private tertiary educational institutions, with a student population of over 300,000.

Gadjah Mada University, which has taken on a new status as a state-owned legal entity since December 26, 2000, is the oldest and largest university in Indonesia. It was founded on December 9, 1949 and currently has 18 faculties, 71 undergraduate study programs, 28 diploma study programs and a Graduate Program of 62 study programs with around 55,000 students, 350 foreign students, 2,301 employees, and 2,266 lecturers. Up until October 2003, the University has graduated 134,219 students consisting of 17,358 diploma holders, 94,923 first degree holders, 21,406 masters and 532 PhD holders.


Universitas Gadjah Mada becomes an excellent and prominent research university in international standards, orientates in the interest of the state, and is based on Pancasila.


1. To carry out a qualified higher education in the framework of developing intelligence and empowering life of the nation, and to maintain the national integration.
2. To generate graduates with high moral standard, integrated, holding leadership spirit, and excellent on basis of the nation�s identity.
3. To encourage the advancement of researches that support educational and scientific advancements, technology, and the enrichment of national culture.
4. To increase public services based on social responsibilities for people�s interest.
5. To work out continuing cooperation with educational institutions, researching institutions, government, entrepreneurs, and societies.
6. To develop a university organization that is appropriate with demand of the era and to increase a transparent management and that is continuingly qualified.

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InStitut Pertanian BoGOr (IPB)

IPB currently consists of 9 Faculties, 36 Departments. IPB offers 13 Diploma, 34 S1, 37 S2, and 27 S3 study programs. Study programs offered by IPB cover a wide range of agricultural sciences, from social-economic sciences, to natural and environmental sciences, marine sciences, mathematics, computer science and information services. The study programs provide competence currently required in the development of agricultural industries, marine resources and sustainable development.

The IPB student body, as of October 2005, is 21,499 students. The number of Diploma, S1, S2, and S3 students is 5,186, 13,752, 1,869, and 1,371 respectively. A total of 71,021 students have graduated from IPB. There are 1,309 lecturers at IPB (851 males, 457 females), including 116 professors. The total number of lecturers holding postgraduate degrees is 1,075 (82.12%). In line with its research based philosophy, IPB has established the Institute of Research and Community Empowerment. The Institute coordinates 13 research and community empowerment centers. In addition, IPB maintains five functional centers charged with improving the quality of graduate programs. To support IPB's academic activities, IPB possesses a number of supporting units such as the central library.

IPB owns land assets totaling 559.1 ha, including an Experimental Farm totaling 262.1 ha and campus grounds of 297 ha. IPB has also held an Education Forest for 140,300 ha since 1999. In addition IPB maintains 8 student dormitories for up to 5,109 students. There is a total of 58 activity units for students covering sports, professional activities, community services and other activities.

The IPB campus is spread over four locations, i.e. (1) the Darmaga Campus, (2) the Baranangsiang Campus, (3) the Taman Kencana Campus, (4) the Gunung Gede Campus, and (5) the Cilibende Campus. The main campus is located in Darmaga, about 11 km in the west of Bogor, while the other three campuses are located in the Bogor municipal area. The Darmaga Campus is located at the pivot of the Daendels Highway (a highway in Java, from Anyer to Panarukan, a 1000 km stretch built during the Dutch colonial period in the eighteenth century).
Bogor is situated about 60 km to the south of Jakarta. Jakarta, the national capital, is the government seat, industry and trade center. Bogor is at the hinterland of Jakarta, and with Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, forming a region known as Jadebotabek (acronym of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). As a hinterland of Jakarta, Bogor supports various industrial activities particularly service industries and manufacturing industries including cement, food processing, garment, electronic and plastic products. In addition, Bogor also serves as “home” for Jakarta's commuter workers.

Bogor, with its Botanical Garden and various tourism infrastructures, is a favorite tourism spot for Jakarta residents. As an agriculture producing region (particularly fruits and vegetables), Bogor serves as a supply center of agricultural commodities for residents and food industries in Jadebotabek. Since the Dutch colonial era, Bogor and its surroundings have been designated as an agricultural development region. Nowadays, Bogor is a relatively large residential area with a total population of about 600,000 people in Bogor municipal area and about 3 million people in the Bogor Regency.
Bogor, Sukabumi and Puncak comprise of different topogra-phical areas ranging from lowland to highland agricultural areas, which have been known since the Dutch colonial era for their estate crops such as rubber, coffee, cacao and tea. To exploit these agricultural products, the Dutch colonial government built the Daendels Highway through Bogor. The crops planted in lowland areas close to Bogor, i.e. the northeastern part of West Java particularly Karawang, and the highland of Leuwiliang and Jasinga are rice and secondary food crops. The closeness of IPB with lowland agricultural areas (particularly in Karawang) has allowed IPB to pioneer a mass guidance system (Bimbingan Massal [Bimas]) in rice cultivation which eventually led to Indonesia achieving rice self-sufficiency in 1984.

In addition to the Botanical Garden, various agricultural research institutions were established in Bogor by the Dutch colonial government. This led to the establishment of an agricultural higher education institute in Bogor in 1940, and which was further developed into the IPB. To date, these agricultural research institutions and several new research institutions contribute to the title “science city” to Bogor. There are various research institutes in Jakarta that can easily be accessed by IPB, such as the National Institute of Science, the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology, and the Agency for Meteorology and Geophysics.

The above conditions provide opportunities to IPB, to develop context and links with other institutions in academic areas, services or revenue generating activities.

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007




IPB students (System MaMi /Mayor Minor) Klik Here

FiLL iN KRS-ONLINE (Internet) For IPB students (System MaMi /Mayor Minor) Klik Here


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Monday, February 5, 2007

AbouT UI

After the proclamation of independence on the 17th of August 1945, the Indonesian government has realized that education is of utmost important for progress so that a few days afterwards the Balai Perguruan Tinggi Republik Indonesia (BPTRI) or "The Republic of Indonesia Institute for Higher Education" was established in Jakarta consisting of the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy, Letters and Law, which had its first graduation of 90 medical doctors the same year. When the Dutch colonial army occupied Jakarta at the end of 1945, the BPTRI moved to Klaten, Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Malang. Meanwhile, the Dutch colonial government, which by 1946 had occupied the big cities and surrounding areas in Indonesia, established a Nood Universiteit or "Emergency University" at Jakarta in 1946. In 1947 the name was changed into "Universitaet van Indonesie (UVI) or "University of Indonesia" After the end of Indonesian war of independence, when Jakarta became once again the capital of Indonesia, the government established a state university in Jakarta in February 1950 called, Universitaet Indonesia, comprising of units of the BPTRI and UVI. The name Universitaet Indonesia was later changed into Universitas Indonesia (UI).

In 1950, UI was a multi campus university with faculties in Jakarta (Medicine, Law, and Letters), Bogor (Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine), Bandung (Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Surabaya (Medicine and Dentistry), and Makassar (Economics). In 1954, the Surabaya campus became Universitas Airlangga; in 1955 the Ujung Pandang campus became Universitas Hasanuddin; in 1959 the Bandung campus became Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB or Bandung Institute of Technology), while the School for Physical Education, which was also located in Bandung, became part of Padjajaran University, in 1960. In 1964, the Bogor campus became Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB or Bogor Agricultural University) and the Faculty of Education (FKIP) at Jakarta, became IKIP Jakarta. In a sense UI was the mother of several universities. In 1965, UI consisted of three campuses all in Jakarta, i.e. the Salemba Campus (Medicine, Dentistry, Economics, Engineering, Science and the Graduate School), the Rawamangun Campus (Letters, Law, Social Science and Psychology) and the Pegangsaan Campus (Public Health and parts of Medicine).

Based on the Indonesian Government Decree Number 152 dated 26th December 2000, the University has changed its status from a public university into an autonomous public university. The current autonomous status of the university requires the implementation of efficiency, effectivity, accountability and transparancy in its management.

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General Information and History

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or Bandung Insitute of Technology or Institute of technology Bandung,
was founded on March 2, 1959.
The present ITB main campus is the site of earlier engineering schools in
Indonesia. Although these institutions of higher learning had their own
individual characteristics and missions, they left influence on developments
leading to the establishment of ITB.

In 1920, Technische Hogeschool (TH) was established in Bandung, which for
a short time, in the middle forties, became Kogyo Daigaku. Not long after
the birth of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, the campus housed the Technical
Faculty (including a Fine Arts Department) of Universitas Indonesia, with
the head office in Jakarta. In the early fifties, a. Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences, also part of Universitas Indonesia, was established
on the campus.

In 1959, the present lnstitut Teknologi Bandung was founded by the Indonesian
government as an institution of higher learning of science, technology,
and fine arts, with a mission of education, research, and service to the

Government Decree No. 155/2000 pertaining to The Decision on ITB as Legal
Enterprise (Badan Hukum) has opened a new path for ITB to become autonomous.
The status of autonomy implies a freedom for the institution to manage its
own bussiness in an effective and efficient way, and to be fully responsible
for the planning and implementation of all program and activity, and the
quality control for the attainment of its institutional objective. The institution
has also freedom in deciding their measures and taking calculated risks
in facing tight competition and intense pressures.


Bandung, with a population of approximately one and a half million, lies

in the mountainous area of West Java, at an altitude of 770 meters. The
ITB main campus, to the north of the town centre, and its other campuses,
cover a total area of 770,000 square meters.


Office: Jl. Tamansari 64 Bandung 40116,

Campus: Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 Indonesia

Tel & Fax +62-22-2500935

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