Sunday, January 28, 2007

Recognizing the HiGHer Education Type

Recognizing the higher education type (mengenal jenis perguruan tinggi) is important for you, if you want to continue your education level to higher ladder.

Structure of the higher education in Indonesia consisted of by two education band, that is professional education and academy education. There is goodness, if we know each existing higher education institution type before registering our self.
Education of Academy is grad with title S1, S2 And S3. Education of professional Band yield grad obtaining professional mention through diploma program (D1, D2, D3, D4) or Specialist (Sp1, Sp2).

1. University : college having program of immeasurable study and grouped in faculty. that Existing faculty divided again into immeasurable of majors, such as Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science have majors : Technology and Management of Aquaculture; Technology of Marine Science, etc.

2. Institute : college having study program with science which of a kind. For example, agriculture institute own agriculture study program, fishery, forestry and ranch, or the technological institute teach immeasurable of science of which deal with technique.

3. College : college which only carry out one program of profession as according to with own specialization. For example College of Economics own program profession of economic specialist, or College of Fine Arts of Indonesia have Artistic majors of Paint, Artistic of Idol etc.

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