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IPB currently consists of 9 Faculties, 36 Departments. IPB offers 13 Diploma, 34 S1, 37 S2, and 27 S3 study programs. Study programs offered by IPB cover a wide range of agricultural sciences, from social-economic sciences, to natural and environmental sciences, marine sciences, mathematics, computer science and information services. The study programs provide competence currently required in the development of agricultural industries, marine resources and sustainable development.
The IPB student body, as of October 2005, is 21,499 students. The number of Diploma, S1, S2, and S3 students is 5,186, 13,752, 1,869, and 1,371 respectively. A total of 71,021 students have graduated from IPB. There are 1,309 lecturers at IPB (851 males, 457 females), including 116 professors. The total number of lecturers holding postgraduate degrees is 1,075 (82.12%). In line with its research based philosophy, IPB has established the Institute of Research and Community Empowerment. The Institute coordinates 13 research and community empowerment centers. In addition, IPB maintains five functional centers charged with improving the quality of graduate programs. To support IPB's academic activities, IPB possesses a number of supporting units such as the central library.
IPB owns land assets totaling 559.1 ha, including an Experimental Farm totaling 262.1 ha and campus grounds of 297 ha. IPB has also held an Education Forest for 140,300 ha since 1999. In addition IPB maintains 8 student dormitories for up to 5,109 students. There is a total of 58 activity units for students covering sports, professional activities, community services and other activities.
The IPB campus is spread over four locations, i.e. (1) the Darmaga Campus, (2) the Baranangsiang Campus, (3) the Taman Kencana Campus, (4) the Gunung Gede Campus, and (5) the Cilibende Campus. The main campus is located in Darmaga, about 11 km in the west of Bogor, while the other three campuses are located in the Bogor municipal area. The Darmaga Campus is located at the pivot of the Daendels Highway (a highway in Java, from Anyer to Panarukan, a 1000 km stretch built during the Dutch colonial period in the eighteenth century).
Bogor is situated about 60 km to the south of Jakarta. Jakarta, the national capital, is the government seat, industry and trade center. Bogor is at the hinterland of Jakarta, and with Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, forming a region known as Jadebotabek (acronym of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). As a hinterland of Jakarta, Bogor supports various industrial activities particularly service industries and manufacturing industries including cement, food processing, garment, electronic and plastic products. In addition, Bogor also serves as “home” for Jakarta's commuter workers.
Bogor, with its Botanical Garden and various tourism infrastructures, is a favorite tourism spot for Jakarta residents. As an agriculture producing region (particularly fruits and vegetables), Bogor serves as a supply center of agricultural commodities for residents and food industries in Jadebotabek. Since the Dutch colonial era, Bogor and its surroundings have been designated as an agricultural development region. Nowadays, Bogor is a relatively large residential area with a total population of about 600,000 people in Bogor municipal area and about 3 million people in the Bogor Regency.
Bogor, Sukabumi and Puncak comprise of different topogra-phical areas ranging from lowland to highland agricultural areas, which have been known since the Dutch colonial era for their estate crops such as rubber, coffee, cacao and tea. To exploit these agricultural products, the Dutch colonial government built the Daendels Highway through Bogor. The crops planted in lowland areas close to Bogor, i.e. the northeastern part of West Java particularly Karawang, and the highland of Leuwiliang and Jasinga are rice and secondary food crops. The closeness of IPB with lowland agricultural areas (particularly in Karawang) has allowed IPB to pioneer a mass guidance system (Bimbingan Massal [Bimas]) in rice cultivation which eventually led to Indonesia achieving rice self-sufficiency in 1984.
In addition to the Botanical Garden, various agricultural research institutions were established in Bogor by the Dutch colonial government. This led to the establishment of an agricultural higher education institute in Bogor in 1940, and which was further developed into the IPB. To date, these agricultural research institutions and several new research institutions contribute to the title “science city” to Bogor. There are various research institutes in Jakarta that can easily be accessed by IPB, such as the National Institute of Science, the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology, and the Agency for Meteorology and Geophysics.
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