Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Aquaculture is solutions to provides protein of the world and developments agribusiness.
As the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, modern aquaculture is maturing, with its emphasis shifting from the development of production technologies to assurance of longer-term economic and environmental sustainability. Fish is an essential food source for mankind. It is mankind's largest source of animal protein (16%) and makes up an even higher propotion in areas where high quality protein is relatively scarce (21% overall in low-income food deficit contries). Almost 1 billion people rely upon fish as their primary source of animal protein. Aquaculture has provided a vitally important role in expanding supplies of limited aquatic food resources. Aquaculture has been growing almost six times faster in developing countries than in developed countries and FAO has stated that as an inexpensive source of a higly nutrition animal protein, aquaculture has become an important factor.
GO!!!!!! Aquaculture
Himakua (Aquaculture Community)

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